World heritage sites in Kenya are places of importance to cultural or natural heritage as described in the world heritage convention. Below are some of the world heritage sites in Kenya.
Lake Turkana National Parks
One of the world heritage sites in Kenya is Turkana, the saltiest of Africa’s big lakes, is a superb research facility for the study of plant and animal groups. The three National Parks are important breeding areas for the Nile crocodile, hippopotamus, and a number of venomous snakes, as well as a resting place for migrating birds. More than any other site on the continent, the Koobi Fora deposits, with their abundance of mammalian, molluscan, and other fossil remains, have advanced our understanding of paleo environments.
Sibiloi National Park, the South Island National Park, and the Central Island National Park make up the Lake Turkana National Parks, which have a combined surface area of 161,485 hectares and are part of the Lake Turkana basin, which has a total surface area of 7 million hectares. The Lake is the largest desert lake in the world and the most salinized lake in East Africa. It is surrounded by a dry, alien-looking terrain that is frequently free of life. With a length of 249 kilometres from north to south and a maximum width of 44 kilometres and a depth of 30 metres, Lake Turkana descends through the Rift Valley from the Ethiopian border. Due to its stunning colour, it is known as the Jade Sea and is the fourth biggest lake in Africa.
The property contains 100 known archaeological and paleontological sites in addition to distinctive geo-morphological characteristics with fossil deposits on sedimentary formations. There are a lot of petrified forests and volcanic overflowing. The current ecological settings offer areas for preserving a variety of flora and wildlife.
Numerous paleontological discoveries have been discovered in Koobi Fora, to the north of Allia Bay, beginning in 1969 with the discovery of Paranthropus boisei. The subsequent finding of Homo habilis provides proof of the existence of a somewhat intellectual hominid two million years ago, as well as a reflection of the temperature transition from moist forest grassland when the now-petrified forest were flourishing to the hot desert of today. The fossilised bones of five different human and pre-human species Austrolophithecus anamensis, Homo habilis/rudolfensis, Paranthropus boisei, Homo erectus, and Homo sapiens were all discovered in the same area. Understanding the evolution of the human species depends on these discoveries. The Nile crocodile Crocodylus niloticus, the amphibious hippopotamus, and various snake species all reproduce in the island park.The lake serves as a crucial stopover and flyway passage for migrant birds in the Palaearctic.
The Great Rift Valley – The Kenya Lakes System
Three distinct lakes that are connected geologically and ecologically make up the Kenya Lakes System. These are as well among the world heritage sites in Kenya. Lake Elementaita (6,300 hectares), Lake Nakuru (18,800 ha), and Lake Bogoria (10,700 ha) are the lakes in question. They are all located in basins on the Great Rift Valley’s floor, which cuts through Kenya from north to south. The three lakes are all shallow, alkaline, and hydro-geologically connected by water seepage beneath the surface. The lesser flamingos that congregate in the lakes in large numbers are fed by the green algae (spirulina platensis), which grows abundantly thanks to the alkalinity of the three lakes.
Lake Elementaita
Lake Elementaita is located 100 km north-west of Nairobi and approximately 1670 metres above sea level. Two small streams, the Mereroni Kariandusi and Mbaruk, which originate on the Eastern plateau, as well as hot springs at its southern end provide water for it. Cones, volcanic outcrops, and rocky fractures make up the topography nearby. Small-scale farmland surrounds the east side of the lake, and Ututu and Soysambu wildlife conservancies surrounding the remaining area.
Lake Nakuru
At an altitude of 1750 metres High and 160 kilometres from Nairobi sits Lake Nakuru. On its eastern side, Nakuru Town borders it, and on its western side, Nakuru National Park. Menengai Crater and the Bahati highlands are located to the north and northeast of the lake’s catchment region, respectively, and the Mau escarpment is located to the west. The Njoro, Makalia, and Nderit Rivers are the main water sources that provide surface flow to the lake; Baharini Springs, which are located along the lake’s shore, also contribute to surface flow.
Lake Bogoria
Lake Bogoria is located 1,000 metres above sea level and is about 275 kilometres from Nairobi. On the eastern side, it is bordered by the Siracho escarpment, while on the western side, a relatively flat shoreline is highlighted by a number of hot springs and geysers. The Waseges River provides the majority of the surface water flow to the lakes, which are drained by the Subukia highlands.
Mount Kenya National Park/Natural Forest
Mount Kenya is the second-highest summit in Africa, rising 5,199 metres. It is a long-extinct volcano that is considered to have reached a height of 6,500 m when it was active (3.1-2.6 million years ago). The mountain has 12 remaining glaciers that are all fast melting, and it also has four secondary peaks that are located at the heads of U-shaped glacial valleys. One of the most stunning sceneries in East Africa is Mount Kenya, which has a rocky summit covered in glaciers and middle slopes covered in forest. Its afro-alpine flora’s ecology and evolution serve as a superb illustration of ecological and biological processes. The property also includes lower-lying picturesque foothills and desert habitats with great biodiversity through the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy and Ngare Ndare Forest Reserve. These areas are located in the ecological transition zone between the mountain environment and the semi-arid savannah grasslands. The region is also in the African elephant population’s traditional migration route.
Thimlich Ohinga archaeological site
This dry-stone walled village, which is north-west of the town of Migori in the Lake Victoria region, was most likely constructed in the 16th century. The Ohinga ( settlement) appears to have served as a fort for people and their animals while also defining social groups and kinship connections. The largest and best preserved of these ancient enclosures is Thimlich Ohinga. It is a unique illustration of the huge dry-stone walled enclosure tradition that was typical of the earliest pastoral towns in the Lake Victoria Basin from the sixteenth to the middle of the twentieth centuries.
Fort Jesus
Fort Jesus was erected by the Portuguese between 1593 and 1596 to guard the port of Mombasa, is one of the most remarkable and well-preserved examples of 16thcentury Portuguese military fortification and a significant landmark in the history of this style of building. It was designed by Giovanni Battista Cairati. The Fort’s design and form echoed the Renaissance belief that the human body exhibits ideal proportions and geometric harmony. The moat of the fort and its immediate surrounds are included in the 2.36 hectare property.
Sacred Mijikenda Kaya Forests
The Mijikenda Kaya Forests are made up of 10 distinct forest locations scattered over 200 kilometres along the coast that once housed a large number of Mijikenda kayas, or walled communities. The kayas, which date back to the 16th century but were abandoned by the 1940s, are now treasured as sacred locations and, as such, are preserved by councils of elders. They are thought to be the homes of the ancestors. The location is listed because it offers a singular window into a cultural heritage and because it has a strong connection to an active tradition.
Lamu Old Town
Lamu Old Town, which still performs its traditional duties, is the oldest and best-preserved Swahili village in East Africa. The town is distinguished by the simplicity of its structural forms, which are complemented by details like inner courtyards, verandas, and intricately carved wooden doors. It was constructed from coral stone and mangrove timber. Since the 19th century, Lamu has played host to important Muslim religious celebrations, and it has grown to be a prominent hub for research on Swahili and Islamic cultures.